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Gulsmi - Hittite Typesetting!

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The sign images are from Prof. Shosted at UIUC, who extracted the images from the Hethitische Zeichenlexikon.

📷 Yazılıkaya, source: World Pilgrimage Guide

Gulsmi means “I write” in Hittite. This is a small webapp that aims to let you do the same from the comfort of your home without the hassle of having to get reeds (or chopsticks) and clay!

Instructions: Type your Hittite transliteration below, separated by dashes and without accents. Spaces aren’t currently supported, so this is more just for singular words. Disambiguation for different renderings of the same phonetic input is rudimentarily supported by having you type an index after the symbol (e.g. ze1, ze2; ek, ek2). For example, you can copy-paste the below into the box below:

  • DINGIR-ISTAR the goddess Ishtar
  • ag-ga-a-at-ta-ar death, ruin
  • Il-li-nu-wa the spelling for Illinois in Hittite

Known Issues

  • There are quite a few missing signs, especially some Sumerograms/Akkadograms such as EZEN (without which we couldn’t write about the festival of AN.TAH.ŠUM!)
  • A lack of a “space bar” which isn’t so conductive to sentences (nu-ta)
  • There is currently no option to export the image, and so you have to take a screenshot currently ;(
  • Since signs have all been resized to the same height (72px), some flatter signs are out of proportion, including be, hal, man, and their variants. The glyph as has been patched, but the others are WIP.

sean liu
sean liu
A Computer Science & Linguistics student at UIUC. I love algorithms, mathematics, and language!